Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Meeting tomorrow

Hi everybody! So we are meeting tomorrow 30 minutes before lab to get a start on the project. Also, I set it up so we get emailed whenever somebody posts. Let me know if you want off the mailing list. See you tomorrow!


Anonymous said...

Oh yeah, I used you guys' gmail addresses because those were the only ones I had. If you use another account then you need to change it on the email setting. And I couldn't find Monica's email. anybody have it?

Kelly West said...

hey guys,
sorry for the late notice but i'm going to have to go to houston today for work, so I won't make it to lab. Hopefully we'll have time tomorrow in class to talk about the project and I can catch up on everything you talk about today. really sorry about missing the meeting. way to go on setting up that email thing, tina!