Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Website stuff

So we came up with a basic design in class today, and William is taking charge of most of the flash programming. Here are the other things that need to get done, so please sign up for something. We can talk about it more next time we have a class to work on it, but we at least need to be started on these things by next week.

-Flash designing guru guy (William)
-building/shooting intro photo package (Kelly)
-writing copy for the intro and about pages
-finding font/designing logo with the name of the website and links to other pages
-finding relevant links to add to the restaurant pages or about page
-other things I'm forgetting?

Everyone should bring their finished videos to class next week so that we can put them onto one hard drive for William. If anyone knows anything about the best way to export Final Cut Pro files for a flash project that would be helpful as well.

Also, please email me photos of your restaurant's sign (or other interesting details) if you have them. Sized to 72 dpi and 6 inches on the long side. If you don't, let me know so we can figure out when/what to shoot.

Over and out.

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